Wednesday 18 January 2012

Structure of a film opening.

There are usually 4 main types of film openings, some however are used a lot more then others because they seem to look more professionl or intresting.

1. Firstly we have a Narrative opening which has the titles running throughout.
we dont know exactly whats going on, for example The shining (1980) has a Narrative film opening, the credits are running throughout the opening, the camera is also not very stable and the location looks very remote. The openig of this movie links to an Adventrous Genre.

Secondly, we have a discrete title sequence, For example in 'enemy of the state'  the opening uses very odd colours. This opening is very fast paced which is extremely effectie because hen the audience are drawn in. The opening is linked to the gnre because its very fast paced.

We also have titles that come up over a blankscreen followed by the narrative opening, this is effective if you want there to be a lot of focus on the names of producers, director or actors and actresses.
because then the background is plain and the audience wont be distracted.

Lastly, there is stylized editing, which is very quick, it contains some fast and slow paced moments which draw the audience in because there is always something to look at.

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