Thursday 12 January 2012

Research on Target Audience

The Others

The genre of "The others" is a supernatural thriller.
It has a target audience of young adults and adults as they are the group that will usually watch and enjoy this genre of film. This could range from 18 - 40 years.

Some of the key signifiers that tell us the genre is that her face is half-lit which shows her fear in her face as she looks scared. Also the font of the title is supernatural which correlates with the genre.



In time is a thriller, with the sub genre's of action and romance.
Its target audience would be mainly young adults however it could attract the attention of other audiences.
The key signifiers that help to convey these themes are the green in the title. This connotes something futuristic and the overall concept of "in time" is something futuristic.

In the Line of Fire

In the Line of Fire is also thriller with the sub genres of crime, action and political.
It has an older audience of people who are into politics and economics.
The key signifiers that suggest the genre of the film would be the phrase "in the line of fire" which suggests a political espionage and has a double-layered meaning with the politicl concept and then a more detailed concept.

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