Monday 9 January 2012

Extension Task - Watching Documentary

  Watching Documentary on Film Openings Extension Task

What does Thomas Sutcliffe mean when he says "Films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. While there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible"

  Thomas Sutcliffe was trying to say that the script or plot has to be really good in order to get the audience’s attention, or in his words to seduce the audience into watching the film. It is the opening of the film that determines whether it is good enough or to convince the audience to watch the whole film, making a long term commitment.  Thomas is also making a point that all directors like to instantly get their attention because it is the most effective way.

2)      According to Director Jean Jacques Beineix, what are the risks of 'instant arousal'? 

 Director Jean Jacques Beineix argued the main risks of instant arousal are that just like nature you have to accept things and wait. Audience have become very demanding and it leaves script writers and directors thinking having such a strong opening leaves them thinking what they should include next and it’s a risk for them because the audience may feel that the rest of the movie is not as exciting. Director Jean Jacques Beineix defied the rule of instant arousal and grabbing their attention in the first five minutes and this caused a lot of conflict between him and the producers.

3)     Explain why "a good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn't know nearly enough yet, and at the same time make sure that it doesn't know too little"

 This all lies with the audience and is something the directors and writers have no control over. All they have to do is make sure that they set the tone, story and how their reactions to the opening will help them realise the genre. This is very difficult but there are many ways they can do this. For example, they can introduce the genre of the film through non diagetic sound and their use of images and fonts in the title sequence.

4)      What does critic Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classic opening? Why does this work?

He describes the classic opening in steps. Firstly there has to be an establishing shot of the city the film is based on, there is usually a building where it pans up the building and into the window. Then some characters are introduced and the occupation of the hero. He then said the organisation of the world is very important, the audience have to understand what era the film is set in. This can be shown through mise en scene, especially the décor, props and costume. Then the unfolding of the plot slowly and smoothly, the nature of the story and introducing the main characters. These are the conventions Stanley Kauffman describes as a classic opening.

5)    Why is Kyle Cooper's title sequence to the film Seven so effective?

  Cooper says that it tunes the characters into the right pitch. What Kyle Cooper meant by this is catching their attention and connecting the title sequence to the movie. The title sequence becomes the first scene of the movie because it too tells a story introduces the main character and foreshadows events.  Cooper proved that a psychotic energy is more influential and arousing to the audience.

6)      Why is Kyle Cooper's title sequence to the film Seven so effective?

Orson Welles wanted to leave out the title credits for Universal Studios and move strait into the opening of the film. Welles intention was to plunge the audience straight into the story without giving them time to prepare themselves on how they may react to the genre and movie. It also keeps the audience under their control. They fought with him and included the title credits and dismissed Orson Welles originality.

7)     What is meant by "a favourite trick of Film Noir"? What is the trick?

 Film noire is when there is a juxtaposition the beginning of the movie is at the ending. It is like a destination as much as a departure point looking ahead to what is to come. It foreshadows events that you may know leaving the audience with some knowledge and understanding to what may happen through out the film.

8)   How does the opening to the film The Shining create suspense?

    It represent the car like a predator and from the music and angle of the shot we understand that wherever the people are travelling to is the wrong decision and something bad may happen. They describe the screen to be filled with omens and all the audience’s attention stays fixed on the car. Typically the music reveals the genre of the film and without giving anything away we know there is more to the plot but at the same time  leaving the audience with some knowledge.

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