Saturday 28 January 2012

Different types of stuctures in a Film Opening.

There are three different types of structures in a film opening.

Discrete Title Sequence:
These are just some features a discrete tile sequence may have.

·         Doesn’t give away the genre, although some images may hint what it maybe about.
·         The sound used gives away the genre
·         Editing manipulation of time – fast/slow
·         Color filter is realer common in this style of title sequence. And especially in thriller genres.
·         Moving/hand hold camera
·         Overlapping images- opacity change and images layered.
In discrete title sequences you are rarely shown any of the characters or the location. Also u do not get a sense of the narrative. Only the genre is revealed.

Click on the link to view the example of a discrete title sequence: Se7en (1995)

In this title sequence there are a lot of cuts. The editing is extremely past paced and they have used a lot of effects on their footage such as color fade. There are images overlapping another. You also have sharp sound effects overlapping and eerie soundtrack. This is what gives away the genre of the movie.

Narrative Opening:
·         The convention of a narrative title sequence is starting off with a black screen, with heavily edited titles.
·         Editing manipulation of time – fast/slow
·         Revealed to characters, location and obviously the narrative.

Click on the link to view the example of a narrative title sequence: Kill Bill Vol.1

In this clip you can clearly see that the titles are heavily edited and the audience is revealed to the narrative, there is a short clip of what is happening and then the titles start. This is obviously done to attract the audience’s attention.

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