Monday 16 January 2012

Structure of a film opening.

There are 4 different types of film openings.

1) Narrative opening with the titles running throughout - The title sequence becomes a part of the mise-en-scene as it is running throughout the opening scene.

The shining (1980) is an example of a narrative opening. It is accompanied by an eerie music which gives away the genre of the film, wide tracking shots have been used to indicate that the car is being watched which creates a suspense towards the audience.

2) A discrete title sequence - Random images appear in different speed. The genre of the film is not very clear as it involves the audience by making them think about the genre of the film.

The Enemy of the state (1998) is an example of a discrete title sequence. The editing is fast paced, non-diegetic sound is used e.g. helicopters and gun shots this is used to hint out what the genre of the film might be.

3) Titles over a blank screen, followed by the narrative opening - Credits are presented on a blank screen.

Donnie Darko (2001) is an example of a blank screen title sequence. The non-diegetic sound and font is used to create the genre of the film.

4) Stylized editing - includes a mixture of lots of ideas, slow and fast paced moments and titles are heavily edited.

The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009) is an example of stylized editing. Some images are shown in different angles, fast and slow paced moments are used.

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