Thursday 12 January 2012

Genre and Sub genre

We have done some analysis on Genre and Sub genre, things such as how their are usually key signifiers within the movie posters which tends to attract different types of audiences in certain age age groups.

Genre is the main Genre or group of films that the movie belongs to, for example 'Paranormal activity' is a Horror movie.
Sub genre however is another genre which is hinted at within the movie. For example 'Friends with benefits' Genre was Romance, however there were also hints of comedy that run through out the movie.
The Genre and sub genre of this movie is a supernatural
The Target audience for this movie however, is an adult audience. We know this from so key signifiers within the poster on the left hand side. The font of 'The Others' doesnt look simple, it looks quite distorted at some areas. The is also very low key lighting which adds to the suspence. The Women is also positioned at the left hand side of the poster, which a scared expression which obviously then tells us that something bad is about to happen.

Another Movie poster that i will be analysing is 'Friends with benefits'.
This Movie has a Romance-comedy Genre sub genre
The target for this movie is motly teenage girls because it
would acttract them more. The key signifiers are the very high key lihting which suggets a moe welcoming atmosphere. There are also Two young looking characters with the man looking at the women, suggesting some romance.

These key signifiers will definatly influence me in my film opening because i'll understand how i can grab the target audiences attention more.

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