Saturday 10 December 2011

Research - Conventions of a film opening

By using the 'Art of the title sequence' I found a film opening of the film 'Dawn of the dead' directed by Zack Snyder. Several conventions have been used which are similar as all the other general conventions that are used in any film openings. 

For example, film credits and the title sequence of the film is presented. However, the credits are quite unusual and interesting as the names appear in red connoting blood and then they disappear by the alphabets turning in to liquid which looks like blood being scattered. This highlights the genre of the film - thriller and it is accompanied by the non-diegetic theme tune of a piano that is continuously played in the background to set a spooky atmosphere. This can be played through the link:

Additionally, the production company name has also been displayed at the beginning of the film opening to inform the audience who the film has been produced by. 'Dawn of the dead' has been produced by Universal.

Furthermore, the conventions of a film opening also include the establishment of a location/setting. In the film 'Dawn of the dead' there are various images of locations but mostly to do with war so therefore, this suggests that the film establishes a war zone period. 
These locations are accompanied by a narrative hook - a song sang with a guitar to decrease the suspense of the film.This is presented through the link: 

To conclude, the conventions of film openings are similar in every film but they are portrayed in different manners to engage the audience. 

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