Wednesday 21 December 2011

Elements of a film that inspires me.

Over the holidays, I watched a thriller film named 'Paranormal Activity 1' the elements used in the film e.g. camera and sound inspired me.

There are several camera elements used in the film for example: 

This is an example of a wide shot recorded at night time. This is effective as it catches the audience's attention by displaying the time at the bottom right corner so therefore, we'll be eager to find out what will happen during the night.
This is an example of a medium shot where we're clearly able to see the character's expressions of fear due to the scary actions occurring in the film.
This is an example of an extreme close-up shot. This is quite effective because its scary and enhances the genre of the film - thriller. Also, builds tension in the audience's mind.

The video clip above shows the element of sound used in the film. When the two character's are sitting downstairs there is no sound - this builds up tension as we expect to hear something. Then suddenly we hear diegetic sounds of a 'bang' and the character's voice through a dialogue between both the characters. This engages the audience into the film as we're curious to find out where did the 'bang' come from.

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