Thursday 23 February 2012

Personal audit

During the media project, I have learnt several skills which has helped me create a professional thriller title sequence.

Teacher Feedback

Hello group 21
Your blog is looking amazing - I'm really impressed with the level of detail.  I particularly like the way you are keeping us up to date with the filming and editing process.
Keep up the excellent work.

Rough Cut Deadline - next Thursday during our lesson (1st March)

Monday 20 February 2012

Editing Day 1: Title sequence

The screen grabs below show the editing process of our thriller title sequence.

This screen grab shows the location of our title sequence - Bracklyn Street warehouse.

This screen grab shows the victim being tortured - We are editing our sequence through final cut pro.

This is few of our clips that needs to be edited.

This screen grab shows our main character being portrayed in a negative light.

This screen grab shows the victim being tortured inside the warehouse.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Behind the Scenes: Day 2

Today (Wednesday 15th February) was our second day of filming and was the start of the filming with our actor. It shows footage of us setting up and actually filming the sequence and gives a little insight into some of the shots that we will be using. 


filming in 3 Mill Studio  filming last scenes for the opening. whole group and tanjia and barish.


Day 2 - 15/02/2012
Shooting the scenes of boy tied up in the chair with actor Barish and the whole of group 21. At 3 Mills Studios.

set for filming

tieing actor to the chair / setting the scene

putting maeup on the actor

putting paint on the actors costume

setting the light for the scene


makeup on the actore - i added mascara and under eyeliner to make him look beaten and bruised and dirty.


setting up eqiupment



We have decided on a basic costume for our characters as it will not be highly featured in the film.
The boy will be wearing checkered shorts with a white t-shirt that we will cover with paint and other substances in order to make it look dirty and blood-stained. The girl will be wearing all black so that her body blends into the darkness, and heels to create the sound of footsteps and signify a woman.




DAY 1- 14/02/2012
Whole group went toBracklyn Street to shoot the first two scenes of the warehouse to establich the location of the plot.
Bracklyn Street warehouse

proof of filming


setting up the equipment

packing equipment

checking shot

looking after the equipment

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Behind the Scenes: Day 1

Today was our first day of filming (14th February 2012) and here are a few behind the scene clips of us at the first location which was 'Bracklyn Street'. This was an outside location and it shows a little bit of the scenery and some of the things we shot. 

Roles and responsibilities’ for the title sequence

Before we begin filming our title sequence, we need to allocate roles and responsibilities’ to ensure everything runs smoothly.

I plan to take part in:
- Planning
- Filming
- Editing
- Creating the music
- Helping to direct
- Casting
- Costume
- Lighting

These are some of the key areas required for the creation of our title sequence, so I think it’s important that I play a part in each one.

Monday 13 February 2012

Personal Skills Audit

I have learnt and developed a lot of new skills since starting this topic that will benefit me throughout the creation of my title sequence.
One of the first and most important skill that I have definitely improved on is my organisational skills. I have learnt how to divide my time equally in order to complete given tasks. Not only that but I have got better at completing work on time. I've also improved on organising equipment so that I have everything needed for a lesson.

Another skill I have developed is blogging things using blogger and making the blogs look as creative and intriguing as possible. I was introduced to wordle, prezi and other devices that help to boost marks. Ive improved on blogging in general, keeping up to date with blogs and blogging individually about other things.

I have learnt new skills using new software such as Final Cut Pro.

I have learnt how to import and edit clips using final cut. Also i learnt how to change the opacity of a clip so that they overlap, change the colour of the clip (black and white) and to add text into the clip. I will be using this software for my title sequence.

I have learnt new skills, using Soundtrack pro.

I have learnt how to insert the sound for a clip using soundtrack and by taking some of the sounds installed on the software.

I have also developed more skills when working as a team. This whole project involved working as a team and good communication in order for us all to reach a common goal. We've had to all take on individual responsibilities in order for a successful outcome

Booking Equipment

To ensure that we had all the necessary equipment to begin filming our opening, we had to fill in the booking sheet below so that it could be reserved for us to use on the dates selected.