Friday 30 March 2012

Question 7 of Evaluation

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When making the preliminary task  we focused on learning and preparing for the thriller opening the editing software in order to edit our thriller openings independently. The software we used to edit our opening it Final cut Pro and Soundtrack Pro to create a background soundtrack for the opening.
Here is a video talking about the three stages when filming.

Firstly we have to plan the story board for our prelim task this help us decide which shots we were going to shoot in what chronological order.
This is the video of our preliminary task - storyboard

And here is the video for our thriller opening. 

In the preliminary task we had to consider the mise en scene and it would appeal to the audience and learnt about how to keep continuity. We also learnt how to keep the 180 degree and when editing we had to make sure there was no match cuts. 

We then had to focus on our camera work how to successfully shoot camera angles in order to produce the best quality of footage. 
What I have learnt from both tasks is how to use Final cut Pro in order to edit our opening. What I have learnt through both productions is how to work with a professional camera and camera shots. Also that the planning process is vital in order to film, what I did when filming the opening is a planning schedule is helped me prepare thoroughly what needs to be done and what day. 

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