Thursday 29 March 2012

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The wider audience for a thriller film genre in general are adults above the age of 17 as most thriller films are classified as '18 and above.' Thriller films are meant to be entertaining and keep the audience at the edge of their seats. Thriller films are aimed at both genders especially targeted at people whom like realistic/scary story lines.

My film is a psychological thriller. 'The Edge' is aimed at teenagers: 15-30 years old. This is because my film doesn't contain any inappropriate content for teenagers who are 15 years old. All content is suitable and portrays the story of a young girl's life whom is seeking revenge from a guy due to her past family history. Its a psychological thriller because at the end of the film, the audience will know that the girl is suffering from mental conditions - this will be portrayed in a scary way as several jumpy scenes will be shown. My film is aimed at people whom are 15-30 years old and they enjoy suspense, an interesting story and the film will keep them focused because a 'psychological thriller' will play with their minds.

The unique selling point of my film is that I haven't revealed the identity of the actors in the sequence as they are portrayed in a dim light. This creates suspense and engages the audience to watch the film. Also, both the actors in my film are around the same age category as my target audience, this would create a personal interaction with the audience as they'll be more interested to watch the film. Finally, I have created a contrast on the stereotypical views of the youth in the media industry as I have portrayed the female character in a powerful role in comparison to the male character because he is being tortured by the girl and is shown to be weak. However, a stereotypical view is that male characters are always portrayed more dominant with muscular features and female characters are always portrayed 'dependent' on male characters.

Wordle: Untitled

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