Friday 30 March 2012

Question 5 of Evaluation

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

In my opinion what I think appealed to the audience the most is the setting and the location. It is very important to establish the setting and in order to do this you need to make sure that you have a really good one. The opening of the scene our group decided to have an establishing shot because this is one of the normal conventions of a film opening. Then the interior of the building was all black where the male, victim character is tied up to a chair. There were no props and the mise en scene was just black.

Overall the setting it very mysterious which arouses the audience to watch on and find out what happens, the location helps indicate what kind of genre the film is going to be. For instance if you had a old mansion people would assume that it is haunted, and in my case I used a warehouse which could of foreboded danger or that maybe something violent may occur.

Furthermore I have decided not to show the main characters face, this is because it creates suspense. I understand from research that my target audience, young adults like thriller movies to seek excitement and to be entertained. This is why our group named the film 'The Edge.'

How i have reached my audience so far by cinema screening and i have uploaded the opening onto YouTube and also by uploading the video onto Facebook.  I used viral marketing methods to reach my audience.

Here is some feedback from the audience.

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